Replace a Pulsatron with a Stenner

Support forum for chlorination pump operations, specifications, and their parts.

Replace a Pulsatron with a Stenner

Postby lwparchive » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:07 pm

Hi, I need to replace my home potable water chemical feed pump that adds a little chlorine to my water for smell control. Currently I have a Pulsatron diaphragm pump that does not keep it's prime (already tried to repair it). I have seen Stenner 85MHP17. - Would that be the right pump for my application? - I'd like to know if the Stenner pump has an input to allow feed, that will work with the pulse that my water meter sends to my current Pulsatron pump when there is water flow? Thank you!

Dan B
Posts: 385
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:20 pm

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