Submersible pump tripping overload

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Submersible pump tripping overload

Postby lwparchive » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:15 pm

I have a sub pump probably a Franklin since I also have a Franklin control box. Anyway I had a new well drilled and have the pump and well online pumps as I need it.The older well (older sub pump worked for about 2 days at the most after the new well and pump was installed? Now I get the dreaded click soon after the pump reset button is pressed and held....sometimes I here a pop or the sound of electricity growl or crackle and the pump works for a brief amount of time?Is it possible the water level has receded and now it needs to have a longer well pipe installed?Or would it be a simple "relay" change out? since the relay is where the crackle is heard and seen? Can I just order the relay? How much considering the whole control box may need to be installed?

G.R. Hood
Posts: 385
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: Submersible pump tripping overload

Postby dlamp67 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:19 pm

It does sound like there may be a problem with the start relay, although, this does not mean that there may not be a problem with the pump motor or wiring. If the control box has any age, I would change the entire box out instead of just a relay. You could also have an issue with the start capacitor. It would be best to change the entire box.
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Re: Submersible pump tripping overload

Postby troutrise » Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:59 pm

I had a similar problem. Frequent need to reset and when I did I heard grinding/crackling from inside the control box. After turning off the power I opened the box and found lots of spider debris and corroded contacts. I spent 1/2 hour cleaning things up, using sandpaper to get rid of the corrosion and brightened the contacts. No more problem, and it's been two weeks. Still ordered a replacement worse problem than having no water when you turn on the tap. I'll keep it as a spare. Hope this helps.
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