How To Change The Voltage On An AO Smith Motor

Support forum for troubleshooting well pump motors, pool pump motors, and their applications.

How To Change The Voltage On An AO Smith Motor

Postby dlamp67 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:15 pm

This subject will describe how to change the voltage configuration on an AO Smith motor that uses the plug style selection. Please read your users manual that came with your pump or motor for verification.

1 - Turn off the power to the pump or motor
2 - Remove the back cover from the motor
3 - You will see a black plug that has two wires coming into it. This is the voltage selection plug. Make sure you keep the proper orientation of the plug
4 - There is a screw just below the voltage selection plug labeled as L2
5 - Remove the plug. This will expose two (2) male spade connectors above the screw labeled L2. The bottom of the two is labeled as L2 and the top is labeled as "A"
6 - For 230 volt, install the plug on the top spade connector only. In other words, only the "A" spade connector will have a wire connected
7 - For 115 volt, install the plug on both of the two top spade connectors
8 - Re-install the motor cover
9 - Turn the power back on to the motor

We have attached a PDF for your review. If in doubt, call.
Goulds Motor Data - Connection.pdf
AO Smith Voltage Connection - Plug Style
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