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How to prime SJ/VJ pumps

PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:30 pm
by jphan

Just recently bought an old home that has from what I can tell a Gould's SJ/VJ model jet pump. It has not been used in awhile and thus needed "priming" from what I've heard.

Can someone walked a newbie on how to get this done? The below link has some fairly good instructions, but I have no idea where the prime plug is. Is the prime plug the big plug that has a long screw sticking out from above? Any help is appreciate it. Thanks.

Re: How to prime SJ/VJ pumps

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:34 am
by dlamp67
Sir, it is difficult in writing to explain how to prime your jet pump. I have provided a link to the Gould's website where, under the literature tab, you can download their instruction manual. If you find the manual does not help, the please give us a call and ask to speak with one of our pump specialist and they would be able to explain the procedure in detail.

Thank you for your post.