I just bought a Goulds J10 and will use it to replace a Lowes made-in-China 1 hp unit that is starting to get noisy. I have a 2" well casing, 70 feet deep, with the foot valve at 40 feet, and static water at 20 feet in a one pipe packer system. I use two co-joined 82 gallon FloTec bladder tanks. The system also has two Rustco cleanable sediment filters and two 4.5"x20" Big Boy filter housings, with a KDF85 and an RFC filter in them.
1. Can I safely increase the pressure on the J10 from 30-50 to 40-60 psi? If not, is 35-55 ok?
2. Would I loose any flow or pressure by using a 1" belled suction pipe rather than a 1.25" joined by couplings?
3. What do you think about using an in-line back flow preventer about 12-18" above the jet/packer, as sort of a back up foot valve to mitigate foot valve leakage?
Any suggestions or comments are gratefully accepted by this amateur, of necessity DIYer.