J10 Convertible Jet pressure switch settings, suction pipe

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J10 Convertible Jet pressure switch settings, suction pipe

Postby emsai » Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:14 am

I just bought a Goulds J10 and will use it to replace a Lowes made-in-China 1 hp unit that is starting to get noisy. I have a 2" well casing, 70 feet deep, with the foot valve at 40 feet, and static water at 20 feet in a one pipe packer system. I use two co-joined 82 gallon FloTec bladder tanks. The system also has two Rustco cleanable sediment filters and two 4.5"x20" Big Boy filter housings, with a KDF85 and an RFC filter in them.
1. Can I safely increase the pressure on the J10 from 30-50 to 40-60 psi? If not, is 35-55 ok?
2. Would I loose any flow or pressure by using a 1" belled suction pipe rather than a 1.25" joined by couplings?
3. What do you think about using an in-line back flow preventer about 12-18" above the jet/packer, as sort of a back up foot valve to mitigate foot valve leakage?

Any suggestions or comments are gratefully accepted by this amateur, of necessity DIYer.

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Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:08 am

Re: J10 Convertible Jet pressure switch settings, suction pi

Postby dlamp67 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:28 am

Yes, it is okay to increase the pressure to a 40/60 setting.

I would not reduce the suction pipe to 1". This will reduce the flow to the pump. I would recommend keeping the 1 1/4" suction.

The second check valve really would not do any good. If the foot valve failed, then the second check will keep water in your suction pipe, but, the check valve will be above the leathers. I am not real certain how the system would react in that situation.
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Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:46 pm

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