Changing the voltage on a GT15

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Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby lwparchive » Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:03 pm

Can you email the wiring diagram for the Gould GT15 pump that I bought from you last month. I want to wire it for 230 volts. Moving the black connector has me confused. Is the left plug in for 115v and the right plug in for 230v? Please help.
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Re: Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby dlamp67 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:22 pm


If you remove the black plug, you will see two male spade connectors. The black plug has two wires with corresponding female spade connectors. If the plug is placed on the two male spade connectors, then the motor will be wire for 115 volt. If you remove the plug and move it so that only on female spade connector is placed on the furthest male spade connector, then the motor will be wired for 230 volt.
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Re: Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby redhawk » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:24 am

i have a gt15 pump without the black spacer for 115/230.i know not to hook up to the farthest spade,but i need to know i am working with a tracer wire and a black wire for 115v. only one is used on the 115v side right? is it the tracer wire or the black wire. thankyou
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Re: Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby dlamp67 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:48 am

So, the motor you have does not have the black plug with the two wires going into it??? You just have the two wires??
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Re: Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby redhawk » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:54 am

yes,a tracer and a black wire they are is a tracer and one is a black wire,they are not enclosed as a black
female connector. my question is arethey both connected to the two male spades or is either the black wire or the black and white wire(tracer) connected to one spade and one wire not connected
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Re: Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby dlamp67 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:35 am

Okay, for 115 volt connection. You have 3 spade connectors on the cop side of the connection board. You will be working with the TOP two spade connectors. The white wire with the black tracer goes on the very top spade connector and the black wire goes on the second from the top spade connector. If you want 230 volt, then the black wire goes on the very top spade connector and the white with black tracer does not get connected.
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Re: Changing the voltage on a GT15

Postby redhawk » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:19 pm

thankyou very much for your knowledge.
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