Information on submerisble pumps

Support forum for submersible pump operations, specifications, and their parts.

Information on submerisble pumps

Postby lwparchive » Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:34 pm

would like more info on the 1hp and 1.5.. 18gs10412c 230 volt single
phase 3 wire,4"pump, 1 and an quarter npt Also 1hp and 1.5hp on 25gs15412c I have 10gauge wire to control box. Three wires from old well pump that looks good. No ground I don't think. 24O' feet of schedule 8O 1- quarter pipe. I want to use wire and pipe again. I want to install an irrigation system. I have 171' frontage by 9O' wide . I may set the pump drop 200 or 22O'.
Question; what depth will those pumps,pump gpm at those depths and can I use my wire with your 1 phase 23O volt motors.I will use a 2O gallon pressure tank . A 2hp sta-rite motor came out of well that was used for a peach packing house. Also which motor would you suggest that would do the job? I
appreciate any inf given. Sincerely Arthur
Posts: 385
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: Information on submerisble pumps

Postby dlamp67 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:50 am

if you follow the link, you will find a PDF containing the performance curves for both pumps in question. Normally, dependent upon the age of the wire, I would not recommend using the same pump wire. You never know if or where there may be a nick in the wire that may cause the pump to fail.
Posts: 275
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:46 pm

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