5 HP - 460 Volts - Three Phase Submersible Sewage PumpAPPLICATIONS Used in a variety of residential, commercial and industrial applications such as:
Impeller Cast iron, two vane semi-open, non-clog with pump-out vanes for mechani- cal seal protection. Balanced for smooth operation. Silicon bronze impeller available as an option. Casing Heavy duty gray cast iron, ASTM A48, Class 30. Volute type casing with 4", 125#, ANSI flanged, horizontal discharge. Compatible with A10-40 cast iron or A10- 40B cast iron and brass (non-sparking) guide rail assembly. Dual Mechanical Seals Silicon carbide vs. silicon carbide outer seal and ceramic vs. carbon inner seal, stainless steel metal parts, BUNA-N elastomers. Upper and lower shaft seals are positioned independently and are separated by an oil-filled chamber. Shaft 300 series stainless steel keyed design. Fasteners 300 series stainless steel. Capable of running dry temporarily without damage to seals or motor. SPECIFICATIONS Pump:
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Any and all trademarks or logo rights associated with the manufacturer's names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.