1 HP - 208-230 / 460 Volts - Three Phase Centrifugal PumpAPPLICATIONS Specifically designed for the following uses:
Compact Design Close coupled, space saving design provides easy installation. Flexible couplings and bedplates not required. Mounting Can be mounted in vertical or horizontal position. Construction Available in bronze fitted (BF), all iron (AI), or all bronze (AB). Bronze fitted means bronze impeller. Impeller Enclosed design for high efficiencies. Threaded directly on motor shaft. Stainless steel locknut on three phase models requires no clearance adjustments. Balanced for smooth operation. Casing Volute type, cast iron or brass construction. Back pullout design. Discharge can be rotated in eight positions. Vertical discharge standard. Tapped openings provided for priming, venting and draining. Mechanical Seal Standard carbon/ceramic faces, BUNA elastomers, 300 series stainless steel components. Option seals available. Motor Close-coupled design. Ball bearings carry all radial/axial thrust loads. Designed for continuous operation. All ratings are within working limits of the motor. SPECIFICATIONS Pump
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Any and all trademarks or logo rights associated with the manufacturer's names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.