1/2 HP - 115 Volts - Single Phase Submersible Sewage PumpAPPLICATIONS Specifically designed for the following uses:
Impeller Cast iron, enclosed, non-clog, dynamically balanced with pump out vanes for mechanical seal protection. Casing Cast iron flanged volute type for maximum efficiency. Designed for easy installation on A10-20 slide rail or base elbow rail systems. Mechanical Seal Silicon Carbide vs. Silicon Carbide sealing faces for superior abrasive resistance, stainless steel metal parts, BUNA-N elastomers. Shaft Corrosion resistant, 300 series stainless steel. Threaded design. Locknut on all models to guard against component damage on accidental reverse rotation. Fasteners 300 series stainless steel. Capable of running dry without damage to components. Designed for continuous operation, when fully submerged. SPECIFICATIONS Pump:
Locke Well & Pump Company is an independent dealer and is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except where expressly noted otherwise.
Any and all trademarks or logo rights associated with the manufacturer's names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
Any and all trademarks or logo rights associated with the manufacturer's names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.