1/2 HP - 115 / 230 Volts - Single Phase Centrifugal PumpAPPLICATIONS
Superior Materials of Construction: AISI 316L stainless steel impeller and seal housing for corrosion resistance, and improved strength and ductility. Cast iron cas- ing for strength and durability. High Efficiency Impeller: Enclosed impeller in 316L stainless steel maintains maximum efficien- cies over the life of the pump without adjustment. Casing: Cast iron construction with NPT threaded, centerline connec- tions, easily accessible vent, prime and drain connections. Nine posi- tion casing rotation for easy piping. Mechanical Seal: Standard John Crane seal with carbon ceramic faces, BUNA elastomers, and stainless metal parts. Optional high temperature and chemical duty seals available. Motors:NEMA standard open drip- proof, totally enclosed fan cooled enclosures. Rugged ball bearing design for continuous duty under all operating conditions. SPECIFICATIONS Pump:
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Any and all trademarks or logo rights associated with the manufacturer's names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.